Tuesday, January 10, 2017

My Children Think About Me

Dapat postingan seperti ini di wall FB mbak Tiastatanka. Lalu saya copas dan saya minta my daughter Syifa mengisinya. Dan inilah jawaban Syifa.  

*something I say a lot
 .....blablabla ... bikin ibu emosi jiwa aja. (Maksudnya ibu sering ngomel gitu? :P)

*What makes me happy? 
When you get some vacation😂

 *What makes me sad? 
When Hikmal use the laptop that u used for writing  stories maybe 

*How tall am I?
155 cm 

*What's my favorite thing to do?
Writing books

 *What is my favorite food?
Something not spicy, not chocolate, not too much gasses(?) actually i dont know which is ur favorite wkwk

 *What is my favorite drink?
Mineral water

 *If I could go anywhere, where would it be?
Korea, go to mecca naik haji or umrah (?)

 *Do you think you could live without me?
No, it's hard to do the housewife thing and thinking for school/college at the same time

 *How do I annoy you? 
By avoid me to eat samyang😅 

*What is my favorite TV show?
Running man, 2 days 1 night (channel KBS 2)

 *What is my favorite music to listen  to?
U listen murrotal quran not music :p

*What is my job?
Writer, housewife

 *How old am i ?
42 this september

 *what's my favorite color? 
Maybe green? 

*How much do you love me?
It can't be expressed just by word 😁😁💋

Lalu kuisoner ini saya minta Hikmal juga untuk mengisinya. Berikut jawaban Hikmal.

*What is something I say a lot: 

*What makes me happy? 
Can be good for you when i grow up

*What makes me sad? 
Cannot obey your command

*How tall am I?
Almost same with me..

*What's my favorite thing to do?

*What is my favorite food?
Bekicot (lupa direbus atau gimana) --> Karena dia baca novel yang saya tulis Kania's Dream. Dia pikir emaknya suka makan bekicot. ^_^

*What is my favorite drink?
Air Mineral

*If I could go anywhere, where would it be?
Saudi Arabia,Mekkah

*Do you think you could live without me?
No,i'm not.

*How do I annoy you? 
(Nggak mau ngisi)

*What is my favorite TV show?
2 days 1 night

*What is my favorite music to listen  to?
Never listening to music. (Masa siiiyyy)

*What is my job?

*How old am i ?
45 years old (Hah! Tua amat ibunya bang)

*what's my favorite color? 
I think you never choose a favorite color

*How much do you love me?
As much as Allah love me..

Beda jawaban anak laki dengan jawaban anak perempuan. Yang paling beda itu umur emaknya. Anak perempuan jawabannya bener. Anak laki jawabnya ngasal. Keknya Hikmal memang gak peduli tentang ulang tahun siapa pun. 😂😂😂
BTW, makasih sudah bersedia menjawab kuisoner ibu yang sayang. Semoga ibu bisa menjadi lebih baik lagi. Doakan ibu selalu sehat dan bisa menjadi ibu yang baik menurut Allah dan yang kalian harapkan. Aamiin... 
 I love you ...


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